torsdag, november 30, 2006

Vad är RUP?

Här kommer fortsättningen på min 'Vad är..' serie. RUP.

Informationen kommer ifrån Rational Unified Process: An Introduction av Philippe Kruchten.

"The Rational Unified Process is a software engineering process. It provides a disciplined approach to assigning tasks and responsibilities within a development organization. Its goal is to ensure the production of high-quality software that meets the needs of its end users within a predictable schedule and budget."

"The Rational Unified Process is a process product. It is developed and maintained by Rational Software (IBM sen 2003, red. anm.) and integrated with its suite of software development tools."

"The Rational Unified Process is also a process framework that can be adapted and extended to suit the needs of an adopting organization."

"The Rational Unified Process captures many of the best practices in modern software development in a form that is suitable for a wide range of projects and organizations."

"It embeds guidance on many modern techniques and approaches: object technology and component-based development, modeling and UML, architecture, iterative development, and so on."

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